The Chinese dragon is a long snake-like creature, usually with 5 claws and without wings.
As opposed to Western beliefs, the dragon in Chinese culture is a benevolent creature that wards of evil spirits. It symbolizes good luck, fertility, happiness and immortality.
In Chinese culture there is the belief that wearing the image of a dragon on you is considered very unlucky. The Chinese symbol for dragon on the other hand is considered lucky.
Sometimes you see a person with a tattoo of a dragon combined with the Chinese dragon character. This always reminds me of these picture books that are used to teach children how to read. Imagine a tattoo of an eagle with the English word 'Eagle' below it, kind of silly, not?
The breath of the Japanese dragon changes into clouds of which come rain or fires. It can increase or contract its body, and moreover it with the power of the transformation and invisibility. It is simply a general description and does not apply to all the Japanese dragons, some of which have the heads so extraordinary kind which they cannot be compared with anything in the animal kingdom.
There are a wide vareity of different tattoo possibilities with a dragon. There are the issues of location, size and design to consider. The style and look of the dragon can often determine what the person might wish to represent. For example an evil looking dragon that is bearing his large teeth and sourrounded by flames and wrapping around a large sowrd would obvisouly represent power, strength and the warrior spirit. Where as a dragon that is depicted in a sceen above a large body of water or int he clouds in flight might represent peace and beauty. So the style, look and feel of the tattoo will ultimatly determine the meaning of the tattoo. Japanese Dragon Tattoo Placement
Since dragons are so prevelant through Japanese art, architecture, and literature there are many different even historically famous tattoo designs to choose from when contemplating getting a dragon tattoo. As far as location the most popular place is a very large full back piece. This allows for a lot of canvas space to truly depict the beauty and power of the mystical beast. You are not just locked into a large back piece however, as there are many different dragont attoo designs to work with and you can get a tattoo anywhere on your body that you want. Typically calves, shoulders and sleeve tattoos also work well for dragon tattoos. The choice is up to you and what you want and what you are looking to express int he design.
With the announcement of Stars Wars coming to Blue Ray discs
the day has come when numerable merchandise related to Stars Wars becomes available to the market. Though the days have gone by when overly shiny clothing were appreciated by teens yet the technology will surely bring in something new this time and the Darth Vader t-shirt is one such entry into the market confirming our point.The newly launched Darth Vader t-shirt has a plate on its chest which lights up and glows attracting plenty of attentions. Though geeky, this could be of true use in your next fancy dress competition. The glowy parts of this new t-shirt are removable so that one can easily wash the tee after it goes dirty. The only issue can be the battery pack which will float on its back as it isn’t detachable.
A pack of battery comes bundled with the pack so that you are Star Wars ready the moment you have the tee in your hands. If one pre-orders the item then it will be sent to your home by August 30th though the tee isn’t so exciting that you end up pre-ordering the same.
The Star Wars Darth Vader tee will cost you $39.99 only when ordered online from StarWarsShop and the pack will of course include an extra pair of battery.